Autumn Half-Term Activity
The crunching of autumnal leaves, fresh cool air, and rich red-gold hues. Autumn is a time of wonder. Just a simple stroll around the park or a drive through the country lanes ignites our senses. Round up the entire family, wrap up warm, and watch the landscape come alive with wildlife activity. Escape to a world of colour. Explore parklands, woodlands, and coastlines.
On your travels, collect leaves of all shades, shapes, and sizes, because we have the perfect arts and crafts project for adults and children alike.
So, you’re back from your walk, those feel-good hormones are flowing – why stop there? It’s time to put those foraged leaves to good use. Why not give this autumn wreath a try?
A great way to add a vibrant pop of colour to your home and a fun activity for the afternoon!
Let’s get started…
You will need:
• Dry Leaves
• PVA Glue
• Ribbon / Twine
• Scissors
• Paper Plate
Step 1:
Start by picking out as many different colours, shapes, and sizes as you can from your leaf collection; you will need around 20 but you can use as many as you like to layer up the design.
Step 2:
Cut the middle out of the paper plate, leaving a 2-inch border behind. You can do this by folding the plate in half to get the cut started. Make sure you also pierce a small hole at what will be the top of your wreath and thread your string or ribbon through it, ready to hang.
These parts are a little fiddly and require sharp scissors, so young children may need help or supervision.
Step 3:
Glue your leaves to the paper plate border, making sure they overlap each other and hide the plate entirely. Try alternating different leaf colours and shapes for a gorgeous design. Then simply leave flat to dry for a short while before hanging your wreath.
In the words of Neil Buchanan, ‘now try it for yourself!’