Made-for-Wales GCSE History update

Yesterday, WJEC, 91µÎµÎ Wales and Welsh Government announced that the first teaching for our Made-for-Wales GCSE History has been changed from September 2025 to 2026. Our full statement and further information on the decision is available to . 

Please note, this decision only impacts GCSE History, and no further changes are planned for any qualifications which form part of the Wave 1 qualifications (for first teaching from September 2025). Shape

Supporting the delivery of GCSE History

The decision made to delay the first teaching will provide teachers with additional preparatory time to introduce our new GCSE History. Our new qualification has been written to support the ambitions of the Curriculum for Wales and has been approved by 91µÎµÎ Wales as meeting their approval criteria, therefore, there will be no amendments/updates to our specification. 

We would like to remind teachers/lecturers that the approved Specification, Sample Assessment Materials and Guidance for Teaching are available from their subject webpage. These documents will aid your preparatory work. 

Alongside our support documentation, we will be continuing in the delivery of our upcoming, face-to-face ‘Preparing to Teach’ events, further information is available below. 

We would also like to remind teacher/lecturers that our Digital Resources Team continue to publish a raft of FREE resources to support your preparatory work. Further information on these resources is available here. 

In addition, our History Subject Team remain on hand to provide you with additional advice and guidance. For the latest updates, please ensure you are subscribed to our mailing list. 

Face-to-face Pan Wales – Preparing to Teach events 

Please note, the upcoming ‘Preparing to Teach’ events will continue as planned. Training for History teachers remains on the schedule and has not been deferred. These courses commence on the 14th of February, please contact your Head of Centre to confirm dates and locations.  

No additional Professional Learning opportunities have been scheduled, we therefore, strongly encourage you to attend the planned sessions.  

Current GCSE History qualification 

As a result of this decision, our current GCSE History (C00/1152/0) qualification will continue to be taught until 2027, final assessment will be summer 2027. Resit opportunities will be available for January 2028.  

Further information

If you have any questions regarding our History qualification, please contact our History Subject Team via 

To keep you up to date with the latest news, opportunities and FAQs regarding the new GCSEs and related qualifications, visit our 91µÎµÎ˜Made-for-Wales’ web area. This area hosts a wealth of material, including an introduction to our Qualification Development Team who are leading the creation of the new qualifications.