
Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018 and was superseded in the UK by the UK-GDPR from 31 Jan 2020.

We take our data privacy and protection responsibilities very seriously; our website will be updated regularly with the latest information. This includes any updates to our privacy notice, which explains how we use your personal information.

Any changes that impact our schools and colleges, examiners and moderators or suppliers, will be communicated as appropriate.

Further information on the new regulation can be found on the  website.

If you require a GDPR subject access request report, please complete an Access to Personal Data form. Please refer to these FAQs when doing so. Please note, this is not an official document and is not usually accepted by employers, colleges or universities as evidence of your qualification results.

Any comments or queries about WJEC's data protection policy will be welcomed, and may be addressed to:  data.protection.officer@wjec.co.uk