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Booking Information
Professional Learning
{"grandParentLink":null,"parentLink":{"linkText":"Professional Learning","url":"/home/professional-learning/"},"currentLink":{"linkText":"Booking Information","url":"/home/professional-learning/booking-information/"},"childrenLinks":[{"linkText":"About Our Courses","url":"/home/professional-learning/about-our-courses/"},{"linkText":"Booking Information","url":"/home/professional-learning/booking-information/"},{"linkText":"Assessment Feedback Package 2024-25","url":"/home/professional-learning/assessment-feedback-package-2024-25/"},{"linkText":"Made-for-Wales GCSEs - Professional Learning","url":"/home/professional-learning/made-for-wales-gcses-professional-learning/"}],"lowerChildrenLinks":[]}
About Our Courses
- Booking Information
Assessment Feedback Package 2024-25
Made-for-Wales GCSEs - Professional Learning
Booking Information
{"accordionId":"c3da89fb","accordionHeading":"","accordionItems":[{"accordionTitle":"How to book","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Bookings for all our courses should be made via our website.</p>\n<p><a href=\"/home/professional-learning/#PL-1\" title=\"Search your qualification\" data-anchor=\"#PL-1\"><strong>Search for training opportunities for your subject</strong></a>, then follow the links to our online booking system.</p>\n<p>Here you can register multiple delegates for multiple courses in a single transaction.</p>\n<p>After booking you will receive:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>An automated acknowledgement email.</li>\n<li><strong>For face-to-face events</strong>: an email with joining information within 10 days of the course start date.</li>\n<li><strong>For online events</strong>: an email with joining information within 5 days of the course start date.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Delegates must be formally registered for an event before attending or logging in. We reserve the right to refuse access to anyone not registered.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Pricing","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Our paid Face-to-Face training courses are priced as follows for the academic year 2023-2024:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Full day: <strong>£210</strong></li>\n<li>Half-day: <strong>£105</strong></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Unless otherwise specified, online training events are provided free of charge.</p>\n<p><strong>Payment is by invoice only</strong> - we are unable to accept payment online or by credit card. You/your centre (as applicable) will receive an invoice after the event takes place.</p>\n<p>We do not accept purchase orders via email or post as a means of booking events – please use our online booking system.</p>\n<p>Please ensure that you have the authority to make a booking - your centre (where applicable) is responsible for making this payment.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"When to book","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Bookings for face-to-face courses close <strong>5 working days</strong> in advance, while webinars close <strong>2 hours</strong> before the start time. We recommend booking early to avoid disappointment. If your school or college is booking on your behalf, please check with them well in advance to ensure your preferred course is secured. If you are unable to secure a place, please contact us for assistance. Please note that for late bookings, subject to availability, we will not be able to accommodate special dietary requirements after the closing date 5 days before. No late bookings will be accepted after 12pm the day before face to face events.</p>\n<p>Please note we do not accept purchase orders as a form of booking all bookings need to be done online <a rel=\"noopener\" href=\"/home/professional-learning/\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Changing or cancelling your booking","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>If you need to make amendments to your booking such as delegate name or contact details, please <a href=\"/home/professional-learning/booking-information/#PL-2\" title=\"Contact us\" data-anchor=\"#PL-2\"><strong>contact us</strong></a>.</p>\n<p>If you need to cancel a paid event booking, you can do so in writing via email <strong>no later than 5 working days before the start date of your event</strong>, or you will be liable for the full fee.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Cancelling or postponement by WJEC","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>On occasion WJEC may need to re-schedule, change a venue or cancel a training course.</p>\n<p>We make every effort to provide delegates with sufficient notice when this happens, and where a paid course is cancelled, you will not be charged the fee.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Audio and Video Recording","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Presenters are required to make recordings of both face-to-face and online events for regulatory reasons. For more details <a href=\"/home/professional-learning/booking-information/#PL-2\" title=\"Contact us\" data-anchor=\"#PL-2\"><strong>contact us</strong></a>.</p>\n<p>These recordings will be made available to the qualifications regulator if required, but cannot be shared with third parties. Recordings are stored securely by WJEC for a period of three years, then permanently destroyed in line with our <a rel=\"noopener\" href=\"/home/privacy-policy/\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Privacy Policy</strong></a>.</p>\n<p>Please note that delegates are <strong>not permitted</strong> to make an audio or video recording of any aspect of events.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Course Materials","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>All supporting materials provided at our events are made available on <a rel=\"noopener\" href=\"https://portal.wjec.co.uk/\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"WJEC Portal\">WJEC’s Portal</a> up to 2 weeks after the last event of each series has taken place.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Parking and Transport","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>Car parking is not guaranteed at any venue for face-to-face courses, including WJEC sites.</p>\n<p>Where possible we aim to hold face-to-face training events in central locations as near as possible to transport links. Please visit the host venue’s website for details.</p>\n<p>WJEC is not responsible for travelling expenses or car parking charges incurred by event delegates.</p>"},{"accordionTitle":"Further Terms and Conditions","accordionTitleSecondary":null,"accordionImage":"","accordionContent":"<p>WJEC is not responsible for associated costs incurred by a delegate or centre:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>When booking onto/attending an event</li>\n<li>Arising from cancellation / postponement</li>\n<li>Arising from misunderstanding of WJEC information.</li>\n</ul>"}]}
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