
GCSE Integrated Science (Single Award) - Teaching from 2026

Teaching: Sept 2026
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The GCSE Integrated Science (Single Award) GCSE qualification is designed to provide learners with a broad understanding of the fundamental concepts in biology, chemistry and physics. It emphasises the  interconnectedness of scientific principles, enquiry skills, and the application of science in everyday life. 

The GCSE Integrated Science (Single Award) qualification will support the Curriculum for Wales by: 

  • supporting the statements of what matters, giving learners the opportunity to engage with the following: 
    • curiosity – being curious and searching for answers is essential to understanding and predicting phenomena 
    • living things – the world around us is full of living things which depend on each other for survival 
    • matter 91µÎµÎ“ matter and the way it behaves, defines our universe and shapes our lives 
    • forces – forces and energy provide a foundation for understanding our universe. 
  • supporting the principles of progression by: 
    • developing knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts 
    • using, applying and evaluating scientific enquiry skills 
    • becoming more effective as a learner, to solve scientific problems with increased independence 
    • making connections and exploring new contexts, considering the impacts of scientific actions.
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Our subject specialists are on hand to answer any of your queries.
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Our subject specialists are on hand to answer any of your queries.
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Our subject specialists are on hand to answer any of your queries.
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Our Subject Support Officers are on hand to answer any of your queries.
person_outline Sarah Morgan
phone_outline 02922 404 252
Subject Support Officer
Our Subject Support Officers are on hand to answer any of your queries.
person_outline Joseph Burston
phone_outline 02922 404 252